- V Curious
- Posts
- A few house rules.
A few house rules.
Welcome. I'm glad you're here.
As we dive deep and prepare to nerd out, a few simple house rules to keep things appropriately civil.
1. Early on, there will be shitty first drafts.

I’m calling it now - the first few posts might be a bit rough, but nothing you or I can’t handle. If you’re reading this sometime around early 2023, you’ll be witness to me going all in on the idea that practice and probability inevitably yield progress. For those of you visiting in the future, if you wanna see me word flailing like an awkward turtle, the archives are where you can get some comic relief (or cringe fest). There might be some comments from others that have typos or incompletely thoughts. The writer Anne Lamott calls it the shitty first draft. These are necessary and expected. Please bear with me and others.
2. Disucssion is always welcome. Abuse or being an a**hole is not.

All are welcome and all will be safe here - this is my house. I’m all for free speech and civil discourse. But the moment “civil” isn’t part of the situation, be advised that I will swoop in. Also, you don’t have to be here if you don’t want to. So, let’s save everyone some time and take the vitriol elsewhere.
3. Please no sales pitches.
I get it: Times are rough and marketers gotta market. But the comment thread won’t be a place for boilerplate pitches about "XYZ” product, however much the product may match the topic.
Likewise, goes for me. There will be product spotlights and features for readers in various curated pieces (for instance, innovative new foods, the best apps that are worth your time, etc.) but please know that anything featured will have been vetted and is completely loved by me.

That’s it!
In the meantime, feel free to take a look around and suggest any topics that’s been eating at your mind (gross turn of phrase, but you get what I mean) and don’t forget to subscribe to get a weekly dose of brain food.